Sound Clips and Associated Instruments

Here are some images and sound clips of recent dulcimers. These are typical of the sounds my dulcimers produce. (The clips were recorded directly into a PC via the sound card using a small microphone mounted near a sound hole, and with no subsequent sound processing. A flat pick was used.)

Dulcimer#31 -Western Red Cedar and New Guinea Rosewood

Hourglass style dulcimer with Western Red Cedar top and Papua New Guinea Rosewood back, sides and fretboard (Pteracarpus Indicus).

Tramps and Hawkers

Dulcimer #32 – Western Red Cedar and Black Wattle


Hourglass style dulcimer with Western Red Cedar top and Black Wattle back, sides and fretboard (Acacia Mearnsii).

Chosen Country
(Ruth Barrett & Cyntia Smith – “Deepening”)


Dulcimer #78 – Western Red Cedar and Tualang


Hourglass dulcimer with Western Red Cedar top and Tualang back, sides and fretboard.

Child Grove

John Henry

Wayfaring Stranger


Dulcimer #80 – Sitka Spruce and Australian Red Cedar


Hourglass dulcimer with Sitka Spruce top, Australian Red Cedar back and sides and Mahogany fretboard overlayed with Ironbark.

I’ll Fly Away

Marie’s Wedding